Chemo Bracelets

Chemo Bracelets

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Six more months to go.....ARRRRRGGGGG!

It has been a while since I blogged....Sorry, I have just been feeling REALLY crappy. With no good days in between treatments. AND a lot happened today.......the day that was SUPPOSED to be my last treatment.

Let me go back to last Thursday. I woke up with a bloody nose....a really bad bloody nose that lasted a few hours....( and nurses and Dr. did yell at me about not calling him) and then started getting little blood blisters on my arm. So, my daughter and sister started looking stuff up online and we pretty much figured out my platelets were low. The lowest I can go and still receive treatment is 100,000, Today I was at 70,000 (he said I was probably much lower on the day of the nose bleed)Just to give you an idea of where I normally was... on the day of my last treatment I was at 152,000. So we were not surprised about my treatment getting cancelled today.

However, I wasn't prepared for the rest of the news.  Dr. Dekker ordered a blood transfusion immediately, so Jill drove me to Holy Cross Hospital and got my blood typed today and will do the transfusion, at the same Hospital tomorrow, and apparently it takes about eight hours.

Then he told me I have a very high risk of this Cancer coming back.  So he wants to do six more months of chemotherapy.  He will be taking one of the drugs out of the cocktail that he says is the one that causes 80% of my bad side effects. So, we shall see, SIX MORE MONTHS, I hope I can do this.

The waiting room at the Admitting office had some really pretty pictures on the wall of flowers....beautifully done. So, I thought I would share one of my own flower pictures with you.....something to cheer us up after all this craziness.!!! This was edited to look like an old antique picture.

Oh, I forgot the one piece of good latest CT Scan came back clear. YEAH!!! Another piece of good news is.....We are going to Disneyland this Sunday....(I will be in a wheelchair of course) but I should be feeling better, because of missing the treatment today and the blood transfusion!!! I am REALLY REALLY looking forward to that.

Well, that is all for now ..... I am pretty wiped out ...and tired. So 'til next time...LOVE and LIGHT to you all. All your love and support really keeps me going.